
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Theme song

This is the unknown girl theme song: don't cry there not worth your tears a smile is a frown without fears keep trying you'll get there someday and if you don't I'll be here to tell you it's ok and you can't runaway from your fears in this house of cards don't blow it down cause I'm here unknown girl

Comment if you want the full song

Monday, October 14, 2013


This is the shout out box were u can chat freely

About me

I'm that girl who has a not-so-cute boyfriend. That girl who's 7-8th grade best friend is a total b**ch. That girl who wants to be a singer just like the rest of the female population. That girl who doesn't believe that her voice is amazing when her friends tell her it is. The girl who wants to be an artist but can't draw to save her life. The girl who has stage fright and is afraid of drowning, graveyards, and heights. That girl with a slowly growing muffin top big enough to make a 14 year old look pregnant. That used to be flexible girl who could eat whatever and never gain weight. That not-so-American girl who has 1/4 of another race. That girly girl who loves 1D and JB. That girl who wishes life was a fairytale. That girl who has big dreams, high hopes, and a well planed out future that may never come true. The girl who's lovestruck and wishes that it'll last forever. That girl who shies away from the crowd but wants all the attention. The girl who wishes the world revolves around her. The girl who takes the time to read all summer. The girl who has always wanted a makeup kit to make her self feel pretty but never got one. The girl who thinks she's not pretty enough even when her friends say she is, then when she say's she's pretty everyone thinks she's full of her self. The girl who wants to make friends but is to shy to. The girl who talks too much and too loud. That girl is me and I wouldn't change for the world. I am unknown girl.<3